Grower Pool
CROPP Cooperative has established a stable price option for organic feed crop growers who want to secure a fair price for their production. This model – customized by crop and region – identifies a fair-price trading range with a floor to protect growers when markets drop, and a ceiling to protect livestock farmers when markets spike.
Join our cooperative and grow organic grains, beans, oilseeds and hay knowing that you will have a secure long-term market.
Growers reach out to the cooperative to inform us of crops they would like to market through the program.
CROPP accepts enrollments according to its projected supply needs and a contract is signed.
Organic Valley purchases feed product both on a spot market and Grower Pool basis.
While working with producers the coop may offer grower pool membership to contract product for future production.
- Mutual commitments made via production contracts
- Initial contracts specify crops and estimated production in truckloads or railcars
- After each growing season, growers have the option to enroll for an additional year
- Payment directly from CROPP Cooperative
- Routine tests for quality
- Company investment options
- Stability in an unstable market
- Preference for extension is given to existing Grower Pool members
- Barley
- Barley/Peas (grain mixture)
- Corn
- Field Peas
- Flax
- Hay (large square bales)
- Lentils
- Millet
- Milo
- Oats
- Oats/Peas (grain mixture)
- Soybeans
- Spelt
- Straw
- Triticale
- Wheat
CROPP Cooperative enters into one-year rolling contracts with organic feed crop growers in the United States and in Canada through our sister organization, Farmer Direct Cooperative. U.S. growers become members of CROPP’s Grower Pool upon first delivery. Canadian growers join Farmer Direct Cooperative. Members of the Grower Pool elect an Executive Committee that governs the affairs of the Pool and makes recommendations to the CROPP Cooperative Board of Directors on pay price and policies.
- Stable pricing
- Guaranteed market and payment
- An Equity stake in CROPP Cooperative
- Organic Valley products at member discount prices
- Full membership in CROPP Cooperative including voting rights
Call our Farmer Hotline: 1-888-809-9297, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central or email